Luang Por Liem

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Luang Por Liem Ṭhitadhammo is a Buddhist monk in the Thai Forest Tradition. He was born in Sri Saket Province in the Northeast of Thailand on the 5th of November 1941. After higher ordination at twenty years of age, Luang Por practised in several village monasteries throughout the Northeast until he joined the Forest Tradition in 1969. He took up the training under Luang Pu Chah, who later became one of the most famous monks in the country, and whose reputation and influence has continued to spread throughout the world, even today. Living under Luang Pu Chah’s guidance in Wat Nong Pah Pong in Ubon Province, Luang Por Liem soon became one of his closest disciples. After Luang Pu Chah became severely ill in 1982, he entrusted Luang Por Liem to lead the monastery. Shortly thereafter, as Luang Pu Chah’s illness prevented him from speaking, the Sangha of Wat Nong Pah Pong appointed Luang Por Liem to take over the abbotship. He fulfils this duty up to the present day, keeping the heritage of Luang Pu Chah’s Dhamma and characteristic ways of monastic training available for monks, nuns and lay disciples.